
Unlocking the therapeutic power of pottery 🎨

This project, developed as my final assignment for the UX Psychology master's program at Universita Cattolica / Politecnico di Milano aimed to create an innovative and engaging experience tied to my passion. With a background in ceramics, both as a student and teacher, I wanted to utilise digitalisation to enhance a traditionally physical experience.






6 months

The problem

Playing with clay boosts our theta wave frequency which helps us experience deep relaxation and restoration. Just 45 minutes of claywork can effectively reduce cortisol levels.
Despite this, pottery is mostly confined to expensive and inaccessible studio spaces.

[Kaima et al., 2016 & multiple sources]

Image of user group one: the wellness enthusiast and one-off purchaser.

User research

A combination of research methods was employed to allow for a holistic understanding of the user landscape, summarised below. Interested to see the research project documented in Notion? Go on, take a peek πŸ‘€

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Exploratory survey

Over 60 participants responded to an online survey which aimed to identify the potter archetype. The dynamic survey collected responses from two demographics; potters and aspiring potters.


Over 60 participants responded to an online survey which aimed to identify the potter archetype. The dynamic survey collected responses from two demographics; potters and aspiring potters.

Image of user group one: the wellness enthusiast and one-off purchaser.

User interview /

A total of 26 participants were asked about their motivations and challenges regarding pottery practise. 

User interviews were conducted via zoom with; aspiring potters, those who had tried pottery a few times and ceramic specialists. Additionally, forums such as Reddit, Glazy and the Ceramics Art Network were utilised. Both looking through previous discussion and posting on these platforms myself.

User interview / forums

A total of 26 participants were asked about their motivations and challenges regarding pottery practise. 

User interviews were conducted via zoom with; aspiring potters, those who had tried pottery a few times and ceramic specialists. Additionally, forums such as Reddit, Glazy and the Ceramics Art Network were utilised. Both looking through previous discussion and posting on these platforms myself.

Image of user group one: the wellness enthusiast and one-off purchaser.

Persona and user journey

Image of user group one: the wellness enthusiast and one-off purchaser.

Feature ideation

Presented below are the insights which led to the proposed features. To obtain quick validation and suggestions, I created an online survey to gain feedback. 15 participants answered and the insights were used to generate the first iteration of wireframes.

Craft Classes

These are tutorials or series that teach the user how to make a piece of pottery. They could focus on using specific tools, technique or creating a specific outcome [such as functional vs decorative pieces].

Low fidelity wireframes with user pain points and needs identified

Mindful Moments

Leveraging the mental health benefits of pottery, this feature uses clay as an aid to meditation. The sessions focus on the sensation of the clay and builds users familiarity and confidence with it as a medium.

Low fidelity wireframes with user pain points and needs identified

Hands Free

A core USP of Handsy is that all tutorials will be hands free to minimise screen interaction given pottery is a tactile experience. Tutorials can be controlled by audio or gesture recognition.

Mid fidelity scenario testing

A usability test involving 7 participants was conducted through a combination of online and in-person sessions. Participants were asked to complete 5 tasks, ensuring comprehensive interaction with the app's core touch-points:
1. Complete onboarding/account setup
2. Start the first tutorial in their learning path
3. Find the necessary supplies for a specific tutorial
4. Locate and save a specific tutorial
5. Find previously completed tutorials
At the conclusion of each task, participants were asked follow-up questions. The time taken and success rate for each participant and task were recorded, providing valuable insights into usability and task completion efficiency. At the end of the test users were asked to rate their experience and likelihood to recommend the app.

2 x wanting to try pottery πŸ‘€
1 x UX/UI designer πŸ“±
4 x tried pottery before πŸ–ŒοΈ

Mid fidelity scenario testing

A usability test involving 7 participants was conducted through a combination of online and in-person sessions. Participants were asked to complete 5 tasks, ensuring comprehensive interaction with the app's core touch-points:
1. Complete onboarding/account setup
2. Start the first tutorial in their learning path
3. Find the necessary supplies for a specific tutorial
4. Locate and save a specific tutorial
5. Find previously completed tutorials
At the conclusion of each task, participants were asked follow-up questions. The time taken and success rate for each participant and task were recorded, providing valuable insights into usability and task completion efficiency. At the end of the test users were asked to rate their experience and likelihood to recommend the app.

Example path

Image of user group one: the wellness enthusiast and one-off purchaser. Image of user group one: the wellness enthusiast and one-off purchaser.

Final UI

Low fidelity wireframes with user pain points and needs identified
Customised learning path design
Hands free design
Mindfulness integration design

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